January 05, 2011

A List

1. I have too much to do.

2. I haven't taken photos in three days.  Sometimes, I just need to go outside and take pictures.  It's calming.  At the moment, it's too cold to go outside, which means I don't want to go, which means I don't get to take any pictures.

3. I am trying to do two weeks of school work in one.  It makes me tired.

4. I am currently reading three books at the same time.  I love doing that. 

5. I hate to say this, but I miss the snow.  Yes, I know I just said I didn't like winter at all, but I contradict myself sometimes.  Snow is fun to photograph, play in, and really, just look at!

6. Only two people have entered my giveaway!  Go check it out.  It's a small giveaway, but it's fun!

7. My blog, Sealed for Redemption, has been severely neglected.  I need to post something, but I don't know what yet.

8. I'm staring at my Biology, History, and Latin books.  Why do I feel so guilty?  Guess what I will be doing for the next half hour?

9. I just wrote a post without a picture.  It's a record!

10. I just contradicted myself again!

1 comment:

  1. Love this pic, Olivia! Hang in there! And it looks like you've wished the snow back. In my opinion, if the sun isn't gonna shine, it might as well snow :-)
