1. I have too much to do.
2. I haven't taken photos in three days. Sometimes, I just need to go outside and take pictures. It's calming. At the moment, it's too cold to go outside, which means I don't want to go, which means I don't get to take any pictures.
3. I am trying to do two weeks of school work in one. It makes me tired.
4. I am currently reading three books at the same time. I love doing that.
5. I hate to say this, but I miss the snow. Yes, I know I just said I didn't like winter at all, but I contradict myself sometimes. Snow is fun to photograph, play in, and really, just look at!
6. Only two people have entered my giveaway! Go check it out. It's a small giveaway, but it's fun!
7. My blog, Sealed for Redemption, has been severely neglected. I need to post something, but I don't know what yet.
8. I'm staring at my Biology, History, and Latin books. Why do I feel so guilty? Guess what I will be doing for the next half hour?
9. I just wrote a post without a picture. It's a record!
10. I just contradicted myself again!
Love this pic, Olivia! Hang in there! And it looks like you've wished the snow back. In my opinion, if the sun isn't gonna shine, it might as well snow :-)