March 27, 2011

Has Spring Sprung?

Well, that's a very good question.  Because if I remember correctly, it was 75 degrees a week ago.  What happened?? 

The flowers think it's spring...  I love green in spring.  (That rhymed!  Kind of.)  The trees start to fill out and the grass loses its brown color.

The trees are beginning to look like this. 
If you who live where it's always warm - you are lucky.  You see, on Monday last week, I was wearing shorts.  Today, when I got in the car for church, it was 28 degrees.  How do these things happen??

The birds thought it was spring.  They started singing early in the mornings, and digging around for worms.

Lord, I am really beginning to think that part of the problem with this world is the fact that it has been cold way too long.  Could you please bring the sun and warm temperatures back?

I think my chat status on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday last week had to do with "Warm weather!!!"  or "Shorts!  Yes!".  Sadly, that statues went from that to "So much for warm weather".

Father, your people are waiting for warmth.  We don't like cold.  Please bless us with warm weather this week!  For those of you who live where it's warm - I am very jealous!   :)  Have a wonderful week!

p.s. Like the new blog design?
p.s.s. I was venting up there.  Sorry you had to read that.  You can just go on your merry way now and forget you ever read this post!  :) 


  1. I totally agree with you! Where did the warmth go? On the bright side- it didn't snow like it was supposed to!

  2. Lol- all I have to say is "Whatever happened to global warming..." :)

  3. I do like your new blog design:)


  4. i love that second to last picture. so pretty. i'm so ready for spring/summer!

  5. I am with you on this one. It was beautiful, 70's and even hit 80 at one we are back to the cold again.
    Great pictures!

  6. I really like your new blog design! :) With you on the warm weather!!! I don't think we will be getting 70's anytime soon though!! :(

  7. excellent!! beautiful shots !!
