January 06, 2014

The H Family | Indiana Family Photographer

Oh, this family -"my kids" as they were lovingly called this summer by myself and my friends when I babysat them every week.  We gave hugs and held hands and laughed about summer memories.  We know each other.  And so these images have become some of my favorite because of how genuine they are.  That's what I love about photographing people I have relationships with outside of my "job".  We can go from laughing about how cute the baby is, to talking about college plans, to getting babysitting dates on the calendar.  In the process, images are taken that capture goofy faces and smooshed hugs.  What's a family without those things?


  1. Great job Livvie! Such adorable kids. And the sunlight in these is beautiful.

  2. lovely photos, olivia! you did an amazing job of capturing their genuine smiles and laughs.

  3. Beautiful job!!

  4. Beautiful, precious photos, Olivia!
