March 02, 2014

The Photography of Olivia G. turned Endless Invitation

Some of you might have noticed that my blog was private this past week.  And by now, you've probably noticed the new name and design!  Sorry I didn't give you any warning, but when I redesign, I make a mess.  I promise, you didn't want to see that mess.  But now!  Now this blog feels fresh (my old design was almost three years old) and my business feels matured.  I've been moving toward separating my photography business from my personal blog for quite a long time, but I (of course) waited until I was busy with school to work on it.
But now, this little space of mine is called Endless Invitation.  If you read the quote on the side, you'll see where that name came from.  This quote inspires me.  Not only to be a "mover, maker, and shaker" in my art, but also in my faith.  The world is an endless invitation not only in art but also for Christ.  I want to be both and do both.
As for this space, it's future is completely unknown and unpredictable.  I only have three months left of highschool (ahh!) and after that?  I don't know.

I'm committed to a school here in Indiana as a Photography and English major.  And let me tell you, making that decision was hard.  As in crying, fighting, praying, confusing hard.  It has taken a semester and a half for me to feel confident in making that decision, but I know the Lord wants me there.  On the days when I think "But...I could just start my business now.  I could travel!  I could make money from sessions!", He gently reminds me of just how much I still need to learn.  And as the brilliant Lydia Jane said to me in an email:

"My advice to you would be to throw yourself into college completely. Make friends with people who are different from you, join some clubs, wander around campus and people watch! I'm not lying when I say I miss something about college every day. It's a beautiful mixing bowl of so many different kids of humans, ones who love Jesus, ones who hate him, ones who are open to thinking about him for the first time. I learned to care for so many more people I would never had met in my Christian high school. I was able to talk with them and learn more about their lifestyles, ask them questions about what they thought of Christianity, and then go back to working on a project together. All of these interactions will help you understand and care about your future clients. Sticking yourself out there in class will help you be brave while shooting a wedding. Having deadlines and exams will help you be responsible with your clients later. Taking risks during assignments in school (where the worst case scenario is getting an 'F') will help you take risks during a wedding or a photo shoot."

Does this mean I'll stop blogging personal work?  No!  I'm going to be a photography major...I will most definitely have work to share with you. :)  But this past year, I have learned and seen that blogging is not as important to me as it used to be.  I get the sense that it's not as important to a lot of the blogging community anymore - probably because a lot of us are getting older - but I also hope because we're trying to deepen the relationships we have with the people we can touch and hear and see right where we are.  Is that just me or are there others of you who feel this way?  I'd love to hear your thoughts!

The Photography of Olivia G. does not have an official website/blog yet, but I'm hoping to have one soon and will share that with you when the times comes!  And though I sound very cheerful and hopeful in this post, don't expect a post of recent work soon.  It's cold and the ground has snow on it again and this summer girl is currently tired of trying to be creative. ;)  But, I do hope to post at least once or twice in the month of March.  Thanks for sticking by me and for wanting to follow along with my little life.  


  1. love this, and love your heart. so insanely thrilled to see how God continues to use your life and passions in powerful ways. :) and I always get excited when you have a new post up--whether they be sporadic or not. consistent blogging is hard, especially in these depressing winter days..I feel ya! Following your work is a true pleasure, friend.

  2. you. are. amazing. love you so much Olivia! The Lord is doing an awesome work in your life, it is so encouraging to me to watch you fight through the struggles and still come out praising Jesus!

  3. Yup, blogging has definitely taken a back seat in life. Been there, doing that. :)

    So exciting for this next stage of life for you! You'll be awesome.

  4. "Probably because a lot of us are getting older - but I also hope because we're trying to deepen the relationships we have with the people we can touch and hear and see right where we are."

    I think you summed it up perfectly! It's funny that as we start to grow older, we start to realize what's more important. Love seeing you back here in this little space! I know blogging isn't as important to many of us anymore, but it's still nice to see and hear what you've been up to! :)

  5. I love your heart Olivia! You just make everything so simple and blunt, which sometimes are things that need to be spoken :)


  6. Excellent! I just recently “relaunched” my blog and, although I love to do it, I am debating whether or not it is worth my time or whether I should just be out in the world!

  7. I agree, Olivia, that many bloggers have become quieter, and I very much hope that it is because we are choosing to invest ourselves more in the people we actually "see" and love. I have found myself to be investing myself far too much into the emptiness of social media. Not that it's bad necessarily, but I spent too much time failing at finding a balance, that in many places I've cut it off. Our lives are now with the people that fill them with their tangible presence. To me, those people are more important.
    P.S. I'm so glad to see your blog back. I got a little worried when it became private!

  8. There's so much truth and inspiration in this post Olivia! So excited to read more of what God has in store for you girl!
