December 14, 2011


 I'm waiting, waiting on You Lord
 And I am hopeful, I'm waiting on You Lord
 Though it is painful, but patiently I wait
 And I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step, in obedience
 While I'm waiting, I will serve you
While I'm waiting, I will worship
While I'm waiting, I will not faint
 I'll be running the race even while I wait.
I'm waiting.  Waiting on You Lord.

Everything seems to be at a stand still.  Oh sure, we are plenty occupied with school, decorating, and Christmas shopping, but things seem to be slow.  We are all waiting.  Trying to be patient.  We're all waiting for the email that will send either good or bad news.  So we pray for the good and prepare for the bad.  Thank you for your prayers - I know many of you have been praying for us.  Thank you so much.  

I thought of this song this morning.  Listen.  It's perfect right now...such a good reminder.  


  1. such a beautiful song, and lovely photographs, olivia! i am praying for you :)

  2. love that song. love love love it. love you too, and these photos, and this blog. :) love it all.

  3. Beautifully written dear. I hope you're doing well!

  4. I love that song! So encouraging. :)

    Praying for you and hoping that the news is good!

    God bless,

  5. i adore that song. and the fifth photo is pure perfection. i love it all :))
    -jocee <3

  6. I'm praying!
    that first photo is absolutely gorgeous!

  7. Olivia....I feel you. I have been praying specifically for you and your family...for the LORD's blessing and for his will to be done.
    I know what it is like... really. All throughout "Kristin's" adoption, we lived on edge, praying that everything would go well.
    Another time, we had been told that we would not be able to get her little sister, because we had too many little ones under the age of five. At the last minute, they asked us to take her in, the day that she was born. We got ready, we would have to pick her up the next day. As we were waiting for the phone call to head to the hospital,
    we got a different phone call, saying they had changed their mind. It was hard. But it was the Lord's will, she fell into a lovely couples hands who were not able to have children, and we have gotten to know them and their family, and they are just amazing.
    I said all that to say this: Trust him, and no matter what happens, it will be because that is what the Lord wills.
    I love you as a sister in Christ, Olivia. I will continue to keep praying for you, your family, and The Four.
    (ps. I have a small post here
    that was correlating to this subject. an older blog, but I hope it will bless you.)

  8. Beautiful song. And that first picture is so breathtaking! Hoping you all are doing well.

  9. I hope that everything is going just fine, it's not easy to wait but I hope and pray that you will get the good news in your e-mail, and not the bad. Lovely photos, have a merry Christmas!

  10. Love that song, and I just can't get over that first photo--amazazazing. I can't imagine how crazy the waiting time right now is for your family, but keep on keepin' on, girl. God's got it all under control. ♥

  11. Beautiful song. ♥
    and lovely pretty photos!: )
