That being said, what are some goals I can have that I know can be accomplished, no matter what my circumstances happen to be? You see, my family is adopting, and because of this, we do not know what the next few months are going to look like. My parents could be travelling to Ethiopia in just a few short months - we don't know. Yet, I am still trusting God. I am still trusting that He will shape me and mold me into the young woman He wants me to be.
Work on my photography skills. I want to learn how to shoot all manually, and I also want to purchase another lens. I am planning to ask some families to allow me to do a shoot with them for free so I can practice.
Write more. Enough said. I have been so busy with school papers, that I haven't had time to write on my own. I will most likely be participating in NaNoWriMo this year as well.
I am going to expand upon my hobbies! Christmas break, I was bored because I didn't know what to do. I'm homeschooleed, but I do a lot of school. A lot! Even though I love my co-op, when I'm not doing school that is related to it, I don't know what to do with myself. So, I am going to find a hobby. And when I do, I am going to share it with you!
Simply put, I am going to slow down. I want to remember the small things my siblings and I do. The small memories we make together. If that means I do it with my camera, then so be it.
I want to blog, but I want to have meaningful posts. I don't want to write boring posts or posts that only benefit me. I want you to enjoy reading it and benefit from it.
There are so many more. There are so many things I want to do in my life, so many goals I want to accomplish. What we all, what I must realize is that my life has limits, boundaries. We are not going to know what our circumstance will be everyday of the year. Life happens. There is a lot that can happen in 365 days. Make your goals, go for them. But please remember that all you really need to accomplish is God's plan for your life. He knows what you will do, what you will accomplish. Let's try to keep Him in our focus this year.