It's two lives we're living, in this age of technology.
We want to be real but we can't tell all
For fear of losing a life we could have.
Instead of living it, we can only imagine
How a world of simplicity would make us happy.
It's not far from our reach, and yet...
Yet we sit at our desks and gape
At what we so desperately want on a screen.
But it's on a screen and that is far from our reach.
We want to go places, but the time is wasted
As the hours tick by in the right-hand corner.
We want memories of family and friends,
But today I wrote a blog post that is sure to draw
More followers, more comments, and more popularity.
We want to live the life God wants,
But we read our Bibles after we've check our emails
And I just want to tweet before I pray today.
I need to go, but I want to watch this video.
Just one more minute, I'm almost done.
I'm almost done....
Really, it seems so easy - shut down is only a click away, but our eyes our glued with jealousy and lust to what we see on our screens. We read about the lives of other people, while life is passing right in front of us. And we're missing it. Do you want to remember your life or are you only interested in the life of that blogger or this blogger?
I want to life this life; this life I have been so richly blessed to have. I love hearing about yours, but that's just it. It's yours. You live it, and I'll live mine. We'll share what we learn and how we grow along the way, but if life is what you make it, I don't want to be remembered by a piece of internet.
I want to be a sister and daughter in this crazy house right now. I want to love people physically and spiritually until it hurts. I want to be a true friend to the ones I'm with.
Maybe I can have that life of simple times, memorable adventures, and true contentment. It will not come from this computer screen. It will come from life. Right here. Right now.