May 28, 2011

a little housekeeping

1.  New design.  Love it or hate it?  I, personally, am in love.  Sometimes, when I have nothing to do, I will go and just look at it for a minute.  :)

2.  Button.  Very excited about this!!  I finally made a blog button.  I'm not completely happy with the way it turned out, but, it's good for now.  You can grab it on my sidebar if you want!  Also, would you comment and let me know if you put it on your blog?

3.  Pictures and Words.  I forget that this is the "topic" of my blog.  I feel like I've focused a lot of photography the past couple weeks, so I am going to be writing things soon.  Just words, with the occasional picture thrown in.


  1. Loving the new design!! The header is just wonderful :))
    And your button is *totally* spectacular!! I couldn't have done better myself! *clapping*
    I can't wait to read your new posts :))
    -Jocee <3

  2. love the new design! your button is so cute! :)

  3. i love the design! and the button. . . in fact, i was thinking about asking you to take some photos (flowers) for me to pick from to make a button? and lastly, even though you love to write, i don't think you need to feel too bad. your title is a story told in. . . pictures! and your pictures tell a lot. especially those with your baby sister :-)
    blessings on your Sunday!

  4. Love the new design.
    Am grabbing your button and putting it on my blog.
    Have been loving the pictures, but will still like this blog if you don't put as many pictures and more words!

  5. LOVE your new design! Great button too!

  6. The new design is great!!! and I love your button! (it's on my blog ^_^)
    I'm excited you're writing more! but your pictures are so wonderful, i don't know if i'm too excited about less of them ;)

  7. LOVE your button, and the new design! so cute! :) i'm taking that button girl. ;)

  8. The new design is really cute! I love it!
