April 13, 2011

City Girl//Country Girl

I do not think that I will ever be able to live in the city.  I know, I know.  Those of you who love the city, gasp now.  But, I just don't like the city. 

I went to the city last weeked - not my city, but another one.  It was an amazing opportunity to take pictures, since I hardly ever see the city. 

You see, I'm a country girl.  I live on 32 acres, I live outside in the summers, and I go on "adventures" with my siblings.  There's no one to see me.  No one knows what we do, no one can here the secrets we whisper in the forest.  Nobody but us knows about those memories.  But, when you're in the city, everyone's watching - or so it seems.  

Please ignore the insanely dirty hotel room window.

I don't know what it is about that the city that I don't like.  There's so many people, so many sounds.  When you are used to living in the country where all you can hear in the summer is tractors in the fields and the occasional car on the road, those sounds are so different.

What I love about the country is that I can be myself.  I can run and play and shout and sing whenever and wherever I want.  I don't have to worry about getting embarrassed.  There's grass and dirt and trees and stars and quiet and peace.  That's what I love about the country.


  1. I have found a couple cities that I LOVE, but really it depends on where you are. Also, there is real comfort in the country, I'm with you there.

  2. I agree. I think that while it would be nice to visit the city, I would never want to actually live there. Being out and alone in the mountains is so nice- not to mention quiet! :)

  3. Yep, I feel the same way! I love living in the middle of nowhere :)
    Great pictures!!

  4. Well I used to think I lived in town but really I am on the edge, with rolling hills and bottoms at my back doorstep. It takes less than 30 seconds, I guarentee, to get past the houses. I have never in my life wanted to visit New York city, except maybe for a day or two, but the country...almost every day of my life I have wished I could live there, in the middle of nowhere.

  5. Oh I am def a country gal. I do not like the city with all it's hustle and bustle.

  6. I agree--I'm so thankful that we live in the country! =D

  7. These are great pictures; I would love to visit a peaceful country side one day:)

  8. Everybody loves the country! Haha. I'm the opposite. The country is way too quiet for me. I grew up in a pretty heavily populated suburban area and I love it there. I'm thinking about moving to NYC or Chicago after graduation next year - we'll see how that goes. :]

  9. I'd love to live in the country!
